Monday, 18 March 2013

Evaluation Question 4

Age: 18-25
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: British

The targeted age for my media would be around 18-25. I would not target this film at a younger audience due to the smart and complicated story line, which needs a viewer to be able to concentrate and understand what is going on. Although I would not say that it would be targeted at anybody older 25ish, this is mostly due to the dubstep soundtrack which would mostly catch the attention of the young adult audience. The audience would also largely be british.

This film would mostly be aimed at people who largely rely on social networking, as it is a small, independent film and would mostly be advertised on these sites through things such as statuses and comments and others sharing the film.

The audience for this film would be people that enjoy places like Brick Lane and Camden Town, this is due to the fact that these are largely independent and individual places, a lot of the people that visit here do not follow the crowd and watch mainstream movies , they are the type of people who enjoy finding films for themselves. They would also shop here, most of the items you would buy in places like this are very vintage and one of a kind which reflects the people im targeting well.

Monday, 11 March 2013

How i attracted the audience.

How did you attract your audience?

I used many ways to attract a specific audience in different ways.

I have attempted to attract a predominantly male orientated audience,  I have done this in a few ways such as; the use of a male as the main characters which gives men someone to relate to, also the use of smoking throughout which is often known as a mainly male activity, and guns are used which shows violence. 

To attract the audience I have created an enigma code, 'what is in the package?' I have managed to do this by having the man in the balaclava looking very shifted and the business man being very eager to get his hands on the package. Just before the package is revealed the police arrived which makes us question, 'why are the police after this package?' The use of the enigma code attracts the audience by keeping them questioning and on there toes, wanting to find out what is in the package. It also helps to make the audience feel involved in the storyline.

I have tried to keep the audience quite young by using a dubstep soundtrack. This kicks in just as the police office arrives and shouts 'police!' It plays throughout the chase which sets an edgy mood whilst still appealing to a teen/ young adult audience.
I would give this film a rating of 15. This is because of the use of guns and violence,  although I  did not want to make make the rating as 18 because this would cut out a large quantity of the teen thriller audience who would enjoy this style of film. 

The chase scene is full of fast pace cutting and editing