Friday 21 December 2012

Marking previous opening sequences

I have given this opening a high level 2/ low level 3.
The positives are that they have used some understanding of the rule of thirds and reasonably good use of match on action.
Although the elements holding it back are that they have used the camera hand held which has then made this poor quality and also they have not put in much effort of making the camera straight or into there props or locations. Also they have not included as many titles as they should include.

I would give this opening a high level 3.
It is a good opening as they have built up suspense and mystery throughout so it is effect in being a thriller movie.
The aspects holding this opening back from being a level 4 would be that they have not used the rule of thirds very often and also they haven't used match on action, instead they have just cut between the characters.

I would count this opening as a level 4.
They have used the location to there advantage and they have used  a variety of shot types and angles, also the miss en scene in this clip is amazing and they have really put the effort in. They have also used a good variety of foley and soundtracks.

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