Monday, 4 February 2013

After rewatching my edit I feel that i could improve this substantially as i feel that my match on action is quite choppy and this could be improved and also i could of colour corrected it better as the lighting still looks too bright.

1 comment:

  1. Individual edit C2
    Proficient editing to tell the story some continuity breaks stop this from achieving higher and need to be fixed. Lots of shots are drunk and need to be corrected using Motion. Most shots drag on too long by a second or two - so be more brutal in your decisions of what to cut. When he looks around the corner and the balaclava guy is hiding looks comedic and ruins the drama. There is a framing adjustment during the shot where the camera zooms in - this must not be in your film as it is poor camerawork and a bad decision to keep it in your edit.
