Thursday 27 September 2012

Evaluation of First Shoot

Today we 
example 1
the group havent rewound the tape so therefore made it hard for the editor to find the tape.
shot coming out of the door- the shot is slanted so therefore can not be used.
shot of the girl looking paranoid with a bag- this shot is also slanted and the white balance has not been done properly.
close up of face looking paranoid- good shot but used a low angle instead of high angle

example 2
this group have also not rewound the tape so therefore makes it hard for the editor to order.
girl holding bag awkwardly- good medium long shot
close up of face- they have deliberatly changed the shot to have the man on the phone behind her.
a little bit dark need to sort out eposure.
had to cut short because the tape was corrupt.

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